U.S. - China YouthBridge
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U.S. - China YouthBridge
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My Journey: Connecting Two Cultures
asThis photo was taken when I was 4 years old when we hosted the Chief of the U.S. Forest Service coming to China. My father, a liaison for China-U.S. collaboration in natural conservation projects, was my earliest inspiration. From a young age, I learned one profound lesson: when the two greatest nations come together, miracles happen.
I was born into a Chinese family with a proud tradition of public service. In our household, personal excellence was defined by contributing to the greater good of the community and society. This core value has been my guiding light, driving me to build upon the legacy of my ancestors. It has also shaped my commitment to be a positive role model for my daughter, inspiring her to find her own sense of purpose and meaning. This deep-rooted sense of service is what bridges my heritage with my life here in the U.S., fueling my passion to establish a platform that promotes educational exchange between American and Chinese students.
I started my career at the American Chamber of Commerce (Beijing), helping U.S. companies navigate and thrive in China. Then at Intel China, I witnessed the transformative growth of the IT sector as American companies made significant inroads into the Chinese market.
In 2012, my journey took an unexpected turn when I moved to Silicon Valley with my family. I joined Stanford University as the Program Manager at the Center for Sustainable Development & Global Competitiveness (CSDGC), where I could use my understanding of both cultures to host student programs and executive leadership initiatives for visitors from China. My role allowed me to foster connections, bridge cultural gaps, and provide a clearer, more realistic view of Silicon Valley’s innovation ecosystem. When Udemy invited me to join as a founding member of its China market team, I embraced the opportunity to contribute to a leading global e-learning company.
With experience spanning both academic and private sectors, and holding both MPA and MBA degrees, I realized that it was time to pursue my true passion: creating opportunities for the next generation to foster cultural understanding and global citizenship. This is why I founder U.S.-China YouthBridge.
Why U.S.-China YouthBridge?
YouthBridge embodies the vision of empowering young leaders from the U.S. and China through meaningful exchanges that bridge cultural divides. We are committed to nurturing a generation that embraces diversity, collaborates across borders, and strives for a more interconnected and peaceful world. It is my hope that this platform not only promotes mutual understanding but also inspires youth to become global citizens who can tackle shared challenges. Together, we can build lasting friendships that pave the way for a brighter future.